Hi there!

My name is Vedant Modi, I like to make projects, travel, and talk about it here.

I am Vedant Modi, an independent developer who loves creating large-scale, open source projects. As I develop my programs, I adopt new problem-solving approaches and new technologies. Right now, I’m focusing on work relating to low-level programming, performance tuning, and cloud computing. With these tools, I hope to self-develop an open-source, full-stack web app.

I’m a junior at Tufts University where I study computer science and mathematics. I’m also an avid explorer of the world, spending my free time visting novel countries. During my travels, I love to document the unconventional locales I visit and learn to operate on a short budget.

  • SSH Setup

    A setup guide for a secure, fast, and convenient configuration of ssh

  • World Clock

    World Clock is a minimalist, yet information-rich page that shows the time of chosen cities.

  • IATA Country Sorter

    IATACountrySorter is a one-time Python tool that I wrote to organize each airport that’s contained in the database flight searching tool by Google.

  • IATA Guesser

    IATA Guesser is a personal tool that my traveling friends and I use to memorize the IATA code for an airport.

  • A postcard for Boston

    A postcard for Boston

    A few weeks ago in London, I saw a [LEGO postcard] for the iconic city, including miniature versions of each landmark. I thought it would be fun if I could do the same, but for Boston, since I probably have better knowledge of Boston than London.

  • Gerp

    gerp is a program that looks for words in files that are placed in a given directory.

  • Zap

    zap is a Huffman encoder/decoder for plain text.

  • CalcYouLater

    CalcYouLater is a reverse Polish notation calculator that can handle basic arithmetic.

  • MetroSim

    MetroSim is a program that can simulate passengers coming on and off as they ride a train line between stations.

  • Medford to Montauk: A 40-hour solo roadtrip

    Medford to Montauk: A 40-hour solo roadtrip

    My enriching trip to the famous lighthouse of Montauk, NY

  • Splendor

    This was my first “real” computer science project. Created for the introduction to computer science course at Tufts.